Our crawl space cleaning company offers a range of services that ensure your crawl space gets back to normal as quickly as possible. We offer moisture protection and restoration services to give you peace of mind.
A crawl space inspection followed by moisture protection in Troy can help prevent mold growth. Your crawl space should ideally be encapsulated because if moisture creeps in and mold grows, you could be compromising the air quality in your home or commercial property. Complete Detail Cleaning and Restoration understands how to tackle these problems and truly protect your crawl space from future problems.
In Troy, crawl space encapsulation is a term used to describe a crawl space that is protected from moisture. This is done by using a vapor barrier on the floor and walls. In other words, encapsulation refers to sealing up your crawl space by keeping the moisture sealed outside. There are many benefits from encapsulating your crawl space. Let us discuss a few of them.
First, when a crawl space is vented, it has a negative impact on the quality of the indoor air.
After encapsulation, air quality goes up and you can breathe easily. Moisture from a crawl space can lead to wood rot and causes hardwood floors to buckle. By getting a crawlspace encapsulated, you can save on costly floor repairs. Another added benefit is added comfort to your home. Floors won’t be freezing cold in winter and your home won’t be muggy in summer. This in turn, will also lead to lower energy bills. People who have encapsulated crawl spaces can reduce their energy bills up to 20%. Additionally, those with an air handler and ducts in a vented crawl space, heating and cooling equipment won’t last as long.
Did you know that those with encapsulated crawl spaces can qualify for rebates and tax incentives? It’s true! Some state and local governments offer incentives as well. If you ever sell your home, an encapsulated crawlspace will be an attractive selling feature. Potential buyers will love this selling point! If you are considering encapsulation, why not call Complete Detail to get started? We can help you walk through the process and answer any questions you may have along the way.
Yes! There are many reasons why this is a good idea. For one, dehumidifiers respond to conditions in the crawlspace. Therefore, when humidity rises, the dehumidifier will detect that and turn on. This means you don’t have to worry about a wet crawlspace if your dehumidifier is working correctly.
Another added benefit is you won’t run the risk of crawl space air coming into your home. All that happens is the moisture is simply removed from the air, it’s not recycled. There’s no risk of airflow imbalance. It’s nice because you don’t have to change anything about your HVAC system.
The only downside is the cost. You will have to buy the dehumidifier and have your encapsulation contractor install it. But if you’re already paying to encapsulate your crawlspace, why not take the extra step to ensure it is done right? Remember, crawlspace dehumidifiers you will want are far different from the little dehumidifiers you buy at the store. Dedicated crawlspace dehumidifiers are high quality machines that last a long time. You won’t have to worry about them breaking down after just a couple of years.